Responsible & fair Artisanal Small Scale mining in Western Africa with integrated blockchain and IoT technologies.

Project Partners

The Raw Material Radar (RMR) project, funded by EIT Raw Materials, will create a platform combining blockchain and IoT technologies to automatically record and track minerals' origin, ownership, and provenance.
The project will also focus on Social License to Operate (SLO) and work closely with the mining communities to ensure their positive development.
Environmental sustainability, occupational health, and safety challenges.
ASM (Artisanal and Small-scale Mining) refers to mining activities carried out by individuals or small groups, using rudimentary tools and techniques, often on a small scale. The sector primarily focuses on the extraction of minerals such as gold, tantalum, diamonds, iron ore, and others. ASM operations are often decentralized and spread across various regions, with miners often operating in remote and hard-to-reach areas.
Many miners in Liberia and Western Africa work independently or in small groups, lacking formal licenses or regulatory oversight. Although ASM plays a virtual role in the economy, it poses challenges to environmental sustainability, occupational health, and safety. While challenges exist, efforts to promote responsible mining practices and formalize the sector are underway, aiming to maximize the benefits and minimize the negative impacts associated with ASM activities.
Mineral tracking for the future
The RMR product will comprise of cost-effective IoT kits, including digitally connected weighing scales and tracking devices for material shipments. These kits aim to assist miners (small-scale, juniors, mid-tiers, majors) develop their projects for responsible, fair and transparent mining.

Consortium members
Minespider is a technology company offering a blockchain-based platform for tracking mineral supply chain data and creating more sustainable and transparent mineral supply chains. Minespider will contribute to the design and management of the blockchain-based software infrastructure, supported by FBK.
Fondazione Hub Innovazione Trentino (HIT) is a non-profit foundation that promotes technology transfer and innovation of the Trentino region to valorize research results. HIT is responsible for IP management and supporting ECTerra in defining an effective commercialization strategy.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is recognized as one of the top research institutes in Italy. Its OpenIoT Research Unit will bring to RMR Consortium demonstrated expertise in the field of IoT. FBK’s role will be the design and development of IoT sensor devices that will be integrated with the blockchain-based infrastructure.
ECTerra is an exploration and mining consultancy company specializing in mining project development from grassroots exploration to production. ECT will play the role of commercialization partner within the RMR project, as well as guaranteeing lean management of the ASM regular activities and a proficuous pilot execution.
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